Colored Tables
Primary Table
class use in <thead>
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Success Table
class use in <thead>
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Info Table
class use in <thead>
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
secondary Table
class use in <thead>
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Warning Table
class use in <thead>
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Danger Table
class use in <thead>
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Pink Table
class use in <thead>
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
dark Table
class use in <thead>
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Orange Table
class use in <thead>
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Teal Table
class use in <thead>
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Brown Table
class use in <thead>
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Purple Table
class use in <thead>
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Primary Table
Use Class .table-colored-bordered .table-bordered-primary
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Success Table
Use Class .table-colored-bordered .table-bordered-success
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Info Table
Use Class .table-colored-bordered .table-bordered-info
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Secondary Table
Use Class .table-colored-bordered .table-bordered-secondary
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Warning Table
Use Class .table-colored-bordered .table-bordered-warning
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Danger Table
Use Class .table-colored-bordered .table-bordered-danger
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Dark Table
Use Class .table-colored-bordered .table-bordered-dark
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Purple Table
Use Class .table-colored-bordered .table-bordered-purple
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Pink Table
Use Class .table-colored-bordered .table-bordered-pink
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Brown Table
Use Class .table-colored-bordered .table-bordered-brown
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Teal Table
Use Class .table-colored-bordered .table-bordered-teal
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Orange Table
Use Class .table-colored-bordered .table-bordered-orange
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Primary Table
Use Class .table-colored-full .table-full-primary .table-hover
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Success Table
Use Class .table-colored-full .table-full-success .table-hover
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Info Table
Use Class .table-colored-full .table-full-info .table-hover
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Secondary Table
Use Class .table-colored-full .table-full-secondary .table-hover
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Warning Table
Use Class .table-colored-full .table-full-warning .table-hover
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Danger Table
Use Class .table-colored-full .table-full-danger .table-hover
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
dark Table
Use Class .table-colored-full .table-full-dark .table-hover
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Purple Table
Use Class .table-colored-full .table-full-purple .table-hover
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Pink Table
Use Class .table-colored-full .table-full-pink .table-hover
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Brown Table
Use Class .table-colored-full .table-full-brown .table-hover
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Teal Table
Use Class .table-colored-full .table-full-teal .table-hover
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Orange Table
Use Class .table-colored-full .table-full-orange .table-hover
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |