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Basic input example.


Basic input example with placeholder.


Inputs stacked small to large sizes.

Pilled input

Use the .rounded-full utility class to make inputs circular.


Add the readonly boolean attribute on an input to prevent modification of the input’s value.


Disabled input.


Basic input example with label.

Hidden label

label elements hidden using the .sr-only class

Helper text

Basic input example with helper text.

We'll never share your details.

Inline helper text

Basic input example with inline helper text.

We'll never share your details.

Corner hint

Basic input example with corner-hint.


Validation states

It provides valuable, actionable feedback to your users with HTML5 form validation.

Please enter a valid email address.

Looks good!


Input groups stacked from small to large.

Multiple inputs

Multiple stacked inputs.

Leading icon

Add a leading icon inside input.

Trailing icon

Add a trailing icon inside input.

Leading and trailing icon

Add a leading and trailing icon inside input.



Add an add-on in tandem with input.


Inline add-on

Add an inline add-on inside input.


Trailing button add-ons

Leading button add-ons

Multiple add-on

Multiple add-ons are supported and can be mixed with checkbox and radio input versions.

Checkbox and radios

Place any checkbox or radio option within an input group’s addon instead of text.

Inline leading select

Add an inline leading select inside input.

Inline leading add-on and trailing select

Add an inline leading add-on and trailing select inside input.


Search box with loading

Search loading.
