Horizontal Menu

In order to add, change or remove any ui elements from the top bar, simply edit in file src/html/partials/horizontal-nav.html. The change would reflect in all the files automatically.

How to change background color?

In order to change the background color of the topbar, open a file src/scss/scss/_variables.scss and change the value of variable $bg-topbar-dark the default dark value is set to #36404e, $bg-topbar-light the default light value is set to #ffffff.

When you change the background color, you might want to change the text color accordingly. You can change the color or other style by making modifications in src/scss/custom/structure/_horizontal-nav.scss.

How to use pre-built layouts?

Each of the layout options is provided below with steps you would need to perform:

Topbar Light
Keep your body element with class topbar-light E.g. <body class="topbar-light"> to have light topbar and dark styled menubar
Center Menu
Keep your body element with class center-menu E.g. <body class="center-menu"> to have menu items aligned in middle
Non-sticky Header
Keep your body element with class unsticky-header E.g. <body class="unsticky-header"> to have non-sticky menubar