
v8.0.0 - 8 July 2023

  • Updated: Bootstrap to v5.3.0 (latest)
  • Improved: Light and dark mode. No need for separate file in order load the dark or light mode.
  • Fixed: Fixed minor bugs

v7.0.0 - 11 April 2022

  • Updated: Bootstrap to v5.2.0-beta

v6.3.0 - 18 Jan 2022

  • Updated: Bootstrap to v5.1.3 (latest)
  • Updated: jQuery v3.6.0 (latest)
  • Updated: All plugins to latest
  • Changes: Use dart-sass instead of node-sass for scss
  • Support: Node version 16

v6.2.0 - 14 Sep 2021

  • Updated: Bootstrap version to 5.1.1
  • Updated: Datatables, Offcanvas, Badges, Accordions and Modal Pages
  • Added: Placeholder Page
  • Fixed: Fixed minor bugs

v6.1.0 - 22 May 2021

  • Updated: Bootstrap version to 5.0.1
  • Fixed: Fixed minor bugs

v6.0.0 - 25 Feb 2021

  • Updated: Bootstrap version to ^5.0.0-beta2
  • Updated: All plugins to latest
  • Fixed: Fixed minor bugs

v5.0.0 - 19 Aug 2020

  • Improved: A major refactoring of entire code based. Made it more inline with bootstrap.
  • Added: Multiple apps including chat, eCommerce, tasks, etc.
  • Updated: All plugins including bootstrap to latest version.
  • Improved: All the demos/layouts completely based on css. No need to have different markup.
  • Added: Multiple layouts including two-column side menu, detached side menu, etc.
  • Removed: All seed & full version for Angular, React, Vue.js, Django and Nodejs.

v4.2.0 - 09 Sep 2019

  • Added: Angular compatible full version having most of components and elements in it.

v4.1.0 - 15 Jun 2019

  • Added seed application for Angular, React, Vue.js, Laravel, Ruby on Rails, Django and Nodejs.

4.0.0 - 24 May 2019

  • Added simply re-designed layouts choices with new modern look and feel
  • Improved SCSS support which allows easy customizations with extensive use of SCSS variables
  • Added multiple layouts support
  • Added Gulp workflow for easy development and tooling
  • Added full RTL support
  • Update Bootstrap to v4.3.1

3.3.0 - 15 Aug 2018

  • Update Bootstrap to 4.1.3
  • Added kanban board page
  • Added company list page
  • Added file manager page
  • Added tickets page
  • Added mapael maps page
  • Updated plugins:
    • jQuery 3.1.1 to 3.3.1
    • jquery.scrollTo js v1.4.6 to v2.1.2
    • popper.js old to latest
    • Slimscroll js v1.3.6 to v1.3.8
    • Waves js v0.6.0 to v0.7.6
    • jQuary.counterup js v1.0 to v2.0
  • Some bugs are fixed

3.2.0 - 18 Apr 2018

  • Update Bootstrap to 4.1.0 version

3.1.0 - 20 Feb 2018

  • Update Bootstrap to 4.0.0
  • Updated plugins:
    • Bootstrap sweet alert to Sweetalert2
    • Material design icons v1.6.5 to v2.0.4
    • Ion rangeslider v2.0.1 to v2.2.0
    • Bootstrap taginput v0.5.0 to v0.8.0
    • Select 2 v3.5.2 to v4.0.5
    • Bootstrap touchspin v3.0.1 to v3.1.2
    • Parslayjs v2.1.3 to v2.8.1
    • Tinymce v4.2.6 to v4.7.6
    • Summernote v0.8.2 to 0.8.8
    • Dropzone old to 5.2.0
    • Flot chart v0.8.1 to v0.8.3
    • Morris chart v0.5.0 to v0.5.1
    • Chartist chart v0.9.4 to v0.11.0
    • Chartjs v2.1.4 to v2.7.1
    • Peity chart v3.2.0 to v3.3.0
    • Jquery knob v1.2.0 to v1.2.13
  • Added new datatables

3.0.0 - 15 Sep 2017

  • Update Bootstrap to 4.0.0-beta version
  • Added new demos: New-light(dark),Material(Horizontal),Material(leftbar-dark)

2.3.0 - 26 Jun 2017

  • Added Bootstrap 4 alpha 6 version

2.2.0 - 24 March 2017

  • Added MVC5 version

2.1.0 - 28 Jan 2017

  • Added Material design version.

2.0.0 - 23 Nov 2016

  • Added New color scheme.

1.9.0 - 15 Nov 2016

  • Added PHP version for Vertical layout.

1.8.0 - 17 Oct 2016

  • Added RTL version for Horizontal layout.
  • Added RTL version for Vertical layout.

1.7.0 - 29 Sep 2016

  • Added Footable page.
  • Added Profile page.
  • Added Team member page.
  • Added Confirm mail page.
  • Added Pricing page.
  • Added FAQ page.
  • Added Treeview page.
  • Added New layouts (Light-dark and Multicolor light).
  • Update Bootstrap to 3.3.7

1.6.0 - 23 Jun 2016

  • Added carousel page.
  • Added weather icons page.
  • Added chartjs 2.0 page.
  • Added tablesaw table page.
  • Updated sweet alert (Bootstrap-sweetalert).

1.5.0 - 21 April 2016

  • Added a new boxed layout

1.4.0 - 1 March 2016

  • Added a new color scheme multicolor.
  • Added a new layout for multicolor color schemes with horizontal navigation

1.3.0 - 18 Feb 2016

  • Added a new color scheme dark.
  • Added a new layout for dark color schemes with horizontal navigation

1.2.0 - 14 Feb 2016

  • Added a new color scheme purple.
  • Added a new layout for all color schemes with horizontal navigation
  • Fixed sidebar for mobile devices, now it will not be displayed by default. Previously this was taking some space on mobile devices.
  • Fixed issue in invoice pages, made it printer friendly Thanks.

1.1.0 - 05 Feb 2016

  • Added a new layout with horizontal navigation

1.0.0 - 12 Jan 2016

  • Initial released