In-built Demos (Skins)

Ubold comes with multiple demos (skins). I.e. 'creative', 'default', 'material', 'modern', 'purple', 'saas'. Each of these skins are having respective dark mode available as well. You can easily use any of them by simply changing the css file reference in your html file.

In your html file, simply change the reference of app.min.css with respective demo (skin) css file and you would have it activated.

Customizing Color Palette

You can change the color palatte of any demo very easily by simply changing the few scss variables value.

In order to modify the colors in existing themes, open the _variables.scss file from src/assets/scss/config/<DEMO_NAME> and change any variable in it. Your changes would get reflected automatically in any bootstrap based components or elements. Note that, this requires you to setup and run gulp flow provided in installation steps earlier.

Customizing Color Mode, Left Sidebar, Topbar, Layout Width and Right Sidebar

Ubold allows you to have customized left sidebar, overall layout width or right sidebar. You could turn the left sidebar to different size, theme (look) and size.

Please do the below change in the html element at dist/{demo}/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml file. You can customize it by specifying the layout data attribute (data-layout={}) on body element in your html. The config object properties accept the following values:

Title Type Options Description
data-layout-mode String "default" | "horizontal" | "detached" | "two-column" Changes overall layout mode
data-theme String "dark" | "light" Changes overall color scheme to dark
data-layout-width String "fluid" | "boxed" Changes the width of overall layout
data-leftbar-color String "light" | "dark" | "brand" | "gradient" the left sidebar color scheme. By default, it would be set to default (light)
data-leftbar-size String "fixed" | "condensed" | "scrollable" If set to true, the left sidebar size changes to small (condensed)
data-leftbar-user Boolean true | false Indicates whether to show right sidebar on opening up the page
data-topbar-color String "dark" | "light" Changes topbar color scheme to dark or light

Following are few examples:

  • Changes the left sidebar theme to "dark"
    <body data-leftbar-color="dark"></body>
  • Changes the left sidebar theme to "light"
    <body data-leftbar-color="light"></body>
  • Changes the left sidebar to scrollable
    <body data-leftbar-compact-mode="scrollable"></body>
  • Changes the left sidebar size to small
    <body data-leftbar-compact-mode="condensed"></body>

RTL Version

In order to have RTL enabled with light version, Update the below css file links in the dist/{demo}/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml file. replace the reference of bootstrap.min.css and app.min.css to bootstrap-rtl.min.css and app-rtl.min.css

© UBold - by Coderthemes