
Default Buttons

Use the button classes on an .rounded-full element.

Rounded Buttons

Use the button classes on an .rounded-full element.

Outline Buttons

Use the button classes on an .border .border-(color) element.

Outline Rounded Buttons

Use the button classes on an .border .border-(color) element.

Soft Buttons

Use the button classes on an .bg-(color)/10 .border-(color)/10 element.

Soft Rounded Buttons

Use the button classes on an .bg-(color)/10 .border-(color)/10 element.

Button Size

Use the button classes on an for small button .py-[5px] .px-4 for default button .py-2 .px-5 for large button .py-2.5 .px-8 element.

Button Icons

Use the button classes on an .h-(height) .w-(width) element.