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Stanley Jones


Morris Charts

Stacked Bar Chart

Create stacked bar charts using Morris.Bar(options), where options is an object containing the configuration options.

Area Chart

Create stacked bar charts using Morris.Bar(options), where options is an object containing the configuration options.

Line Chart

Create stacked bar charts using Morris.Bar(options), where options is an object containing the configuration options.

Bar Chart

Create stacked bar charts using Morris.Bar(options), where options is an object containing the configuration options.

Area Chart with Point

Create stacked bar charts using Morris.Bar(options), where options is an object containing the configuration options.

Donut Chart

Create stacked bar charts using Morris.Bar(options), where options is an object containing the configuration options.

Multiple Statistics

Create stacked bar charts using Morris.Bar(options), where options is an object containing the configuration options.

Realtime Statistics

Create stacked bar charts using Morris.Bar(options), where options is an object containing the configuration options.

Line Chart

Create stacked bar charts using Morris.Bar(options), where options is an object containing the configuration options.

Donut Pie

Create stacked bar charts using Morris.Bar(options), where options is an object containing the configuration options.

Pie Chart

Create stacked bar charts using Morris.Bar(options), where options is an object containing the configuration options.

Stacked Bar chart

Create stacked bar charts using Morris.Bar(options), where options is an object containing the configuration options.

Line Chart

Create stacked bar charts using Morris.Bar(options), where options is an object containing the configuration options.

Combine Chart
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