Set up the Development Environment

Flutter SDK (Above v.1.20)
  • Run "flutter upgrade" to upgrade your flutter sdk to latest stable release.

Android SDK (minimum Api-21)
  • Change your './android/app/build.gradle' as

    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 21 // Change api level here

iOS SDK (minimum v9.0)
  • Set MinimumOSVersion to 9.0 in ’./ios/Flutter/AppFrameworkInfo.plist’

  • Ensure that you uncomment platform :ios, ‘9.0’ in ’./ios/Podfile’

  • Ensure that ios/Podfile contains the following post-install script as

Razorpay Setup (EMall App)

Go to and copy your existing key id and paste it to './lib/api/payment_api.dart'.

RAZORPAY_KEY = { your razorpay id paste here }

Firebase Setup (For User, Delivery boy, Manager Apps)

1. Go to Firebase console and create new project (with or without anylytics).

2. Go to project settings

For Android
  • Add new android app ( With your package name )

  • Download config file (google-services.json) and place it in './android/app' directory.

  • Add Firebase SDK.

  • Wait for "Run your app to verify installation" or click on "skip this step".

For iOS
  • Add new iOS app ( With your iOS Bundle ID )

  • Download config file (GoogleServices-info.plist) and place it in './ios/Runner' directory.

  • Add Firebase SDK and follow initialisation code.

  • Wait for "Run your app to verify installation" or click on "skip this step".

Note : We already added dummy google-services file into Integrations project. If you use this project in productions then you should follow these steps and generate your services file for your project.

Google Map Setup (For User, Delivery boy, Manager Apps)

  • To use Google Maps in your Flutter app, you need to configure an API project with the Google Maps Platform, following both the Maps SDK for Android Get API key, and Maps SDK for iOS Get API key processes. With API keys in hand, carry out the following steps to configure both Android and iOS applications.
  • To add an API key to the Android app, edit the AndroidManifest.xml file in './android/app/src/main. Add a single meta-data entry containing the API key created in the previous step.
  • To add an API key to the iOS app, edit the AppDelegate.swift file in ./ios/Runner. Unlike Android, adding an API key on iOS requires changes to the source code of the Runner app. The AppDelegate is the core singleton that is part of the app initialization process
  • For more on google maps in futter

API Setup (For User, Delivery boy, Manager Apps)

Change BASE_URL in './lib/api/api_util.dart' as

1. If you laravel serve with ip address and port then change to

BASE_URL = "https://" + IP_ADDRESS + ":" + PORT + "/";

2. If you laravel serve in productions then change to

BASE_URL = "https://" + your website address + "/";

Currency Setup (For User, Delivery boy, Manager Apps)

In './lib/api/currency_util.dart' as

CURRENCY_SIGN = {Place your currency sign};

CURRENCY_CODE = {Place your currency code};

Run Project

1. Install package dependencies:

flutter pub get

2. Run the project by running command:

flutter run

3. Use one of these commands to build the project:

flutter build apk flutter build ios flutter build appbundle

4. If any issue (run the below command to troubleshoot):

flutter doctor